Digital Mastery: Build WordPress Websites for Content Creators

Categories: Web Design
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What Will You Learn?

  • How to craft a visually stunning adult content website from scratch using WordPress.
  • Best practices for ensuring your site is legally compliant with adult industry regulations.
  • Methods to integrate secure payment processors tailored for adult content monetization.
  • Techniques for managing and streaming high-definition videos and handling large media files efficiently.
  • The ins and outs of choosing and utilizing a VPS to support your website's growing traffic and content demands.
  • Plus, gain insights into SEO best practices and marketing strategies to elevate your digital presence and drive traffic to your adult content platform.

Course Content

Introduction and overview of the course. This module goes over Legal compliance, financial services resources, who this course is for and what we will learn.

  • Welcome to Digital Mastery
  • VPS Host Purchase & Overview
  • BONUS : Headstart with Risky/Adult Business payment processor requirements
  • Legal Compliance/ Business Quiz

Hosting & VPS
Understanding VPS: A beginner-friendly explanation of what VPSs are and why they are crucial for hosting adult content sites. Choosing a VPS: Criteria to consider when selecting a VPS provider, focusing on security, scalability, and performance. VPS and Adult Content: Discuss how a VPS can handle high traffic and large media files typical of adult content websites. Cost vs. Benefit Analysis: Evaluating the investment in VPS for the sustainability and growth of your website.

WHM & cPanel
Navigating CPanel: A comprehensive guide to using CPanel for website management. Key Features and Tools: Learn about the essential tools in CPanel, including file management, database setup, and email configurations. Integrating CPanel with WordPress: How to use CPanel to install and manage your WordPress site effectively. Security and Maintenance: Best practices for keeping your website secure and performing optimally using CPanel's features.

WordPress Website Design
Overview: Learn about WordPress, the world's most popular content management system, tailored for adult content creators. Key Features: Discover the versatility of WordPress, including themes, plugins, and the Gutenberg editor. Website Creation: Step-by-step guide to creating a WordPress site from choosing a domain to launching your site. Content Management: Explore how to manage and publish adult content effectively and attractively.


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